Direct Connect (Live August 12, 2024)

Direct Connect (Live August 12, 2024)

Level of Effort: Low

Backwards compatible.

Why Should I Make the Update?

Increase volunteer engagement by redirecting users to the organization's external registration page after they connect with an opportunity. This helps volunteers take immediate action, boosting follow-through.

How to Make the Update

If the redirectUrl field is not NULL and connection_type is NOT passthrough, redirect users to the provided 3rd-party registration page after the createConnection call.

We suggest letting the volunteer know that you will be redirecting them. Example screen below.

  1. image-20240911-203948.png

Volunteers will also receive the registration link in their connection confirmation email.




You can also choose to only include or omit these types of opportunities using the redirectOpps field. The default is to include both redirectOpps and non-redirectOpps. If redirectOpps = true, only redirectOpps will show. f redirectOpps = false, all redirectOpps will be filtered out of search results.

Example Call and Return

query { searchOpportunities(input:{ location:"US" }){ currentPage resultsSize opportunities { id connection_type redirectUrl } } }

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